Installation Instructions

Step 1:

Begin by placing the case on a flat, clean surface. Using the provided hex wrench, remove all 4 barrel nuts from 2 adjacent corners as indicated. Leave the remaining 2 corners intact.

Step 2:

Remove the protective film from the Plexiglass and place the TV on top, face down. Slide both into the case. The edge with the top of the TV has side brackets (as indicated) while the side with the bottom has 2 rubber bumper stops.

If the TV has trouble fitting, loosed the small bolts on the metal brackets. If it still has trouble fitting, remove the brackets using the provided hex wrenches and reposition so they are higher up. You may have to swap the center hole the small bolt goes in.

Step 3:

Insert the 2 corner brackets into both long edges first. Then reattach the short side. Make sure to attach the corner guards on the outside of each corner.

Step 4:

Hand tighten the small bolt on each of the 4 side brackets. Do not over tighten. Tighten the small nut on each bolt in between the bracket and TV. It is not vital, but adds some extra stability.